August 29th – Travel to Fairbanks

When I first planned this Alaska trip, after Denali I planned to spend a few days in Fairbanks etc and then head back home.

But in June, I got notified that I had won the Denali Road Lottery and was assigned September 19th as my day.  The Road Lottery is an event at Denali National Park that is held the last week before they close the road to vehicles for the winter season.  Out of thousands of applicants online, they choose some for each day to be able to travel the entire Denali road in your own vehicle.  [Remember, you have to go on a shuttle bus ordinarily.]   I was thrilled to get chosen, but realized I would have to extend my trip slightly to accomodate that date and then would have to skeedaddle back to the lower 48 as roads could get more iffy as winter approached.

So, I decided to go to Fairbanks for a couple of weeks.   Admittedly, I have been traveling for quite a long time and gone lots of miles, so staying put in one place for a while would be good.   Then I could be nice and rested and relaxed for my last great hurrah at Denali before going home.

So off on the Denali Highway again, but this time going past Denali on to Fairbanks.

 Past that view of Mt. McKinley again.

And that quirky “igloo” again.

Because I had an appointment the next morning for some service at the RV place in Fairbanks, I decided to boondock at the Fairbanks Walmart for the night.   Better than having to hook up at an RV Park, and then unhook again to go to the service place.   Besides, I needed to get a few things at Walmart!   Like whoever saw such  a cute tiny little ketchup bottle  as  this?  Perfect for a camper!

My blogs for the next couple weeks might be hit or miss.   I don’t plan to write every day.   I don’t even plan to DO anything  everyday.   If I do something besides take a walk or read a book or take a nap, I might write something….  🙂